
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Moving....or Not?

So of course we are supposed to me moving across the country.

To be exact our movers were supposed to arrive today, but because of a lot of paperwork issues they were not here...and we may not be moving at all!

I am ok with the idea of staying here longer. I did take some time for me to actually come around to the idea.

But as people in the military lifestyle know you start thinking about all the things that were good about the place right before you leave.

I had hit that stage. I was very nostalgic about our current location...realizing it wasn't as bad as I had made it out to be he previous three years of being here.

So when the hubby told me we would maybe be staying put for another 3 or 4 years I was able to see the good and know that we could do it!!

But we still have no idea if we are going or staying yet. The movers have been rescheduled for next week just in case we do end up moving. Hopefully they make a decision quickly....but we all know with the military it is "hurry up and wait."

But with all of this chaos has brought me to thinking about the kids education. We aren't really a big fan of the public school system where we are and I have toyed with the idea of homeschooling for the remainder of our time here. Starting with preschool this next school year. I have no idea if I have what it takes, but I think giving it a shot for preschool could be an eye opener for me.

So stay tuned on our possible adventures in homeschooling!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Month of the Military Child

April is the month of the military child.

I am lucky enough to be raising two overly amazing military children.

Lex loves to just sit outside and watch the planes fly overhead. After Mr. S got home from deployment this past year she started to panic every time he left for work and she saw a plane go over the house. She was so sure he was leaving again. We have since had to tell her that all those planes are bringing other daddy's home to their little girls to keep her calm.

Now when she sees a plane fly overhead she says "some little kid is going to be happy to have their daddy home!"

Kaiden still doesn't quiet get it yet. But he does know his dad gets to wear a super cool cover and some combat boots that he likes to stomp around in.

These two military children are my world. They remind me that being strong is just what we do. They remind me that the love our family shares is pure and real, no matter how many thousands of miles are between us. They remind me to always have faith...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Let's face it. Stress is a part of moving. I wish it wasn't...I don't think I can handle anymore.

Yes, we are having TMO come and move the majority of our stuff but a lot is going with us. And we have to downsize...a lot!

And I am the only one doing any of it. The kids can't help a lot....they more so just get underfoot and unpack everything I have packed and go into mass hysteria when we have to donate/sell/trash anything!!!

If we could afford it, I would just leave the entire house here in New Mexico and buy everything new when we get to Delaware!

I'm grateful we got orders. More than grateful really....but if we could just skip this entire process that would be a-ok with me!

Am I the only one who hates packing this much?!?!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Vapor Rub and Me Are Not Friends...

Yesterday ended up being a horrible day. Somehow, unknown to me or to Mr. S, Lex got the baby Vick's Vapor Rub into her room and hid it somewhere. During her quiet time she had shut the door.

Mr. S said "She must have been tired, she closed the door and went to sleep."

Now, with Lex closing the door doesn't mean means she is doing something she shouldn't be!

I darted up the stairs and swung open her door to find her soaking wet --or so I thought--I touched her hair and her clothes and they weren't wet. I could not for the life of me figure out why she appeared drenched but was dry as could be. I looked around the room and then I saw it, the empty bottle of Baby Vick's Vapor Rub. She had covered herself from head to toe in this stuff. And she had covered her bed. Oh, and she doctored ALL of her stuffed animals with it too.

I decided it was bath time for her --at 2:30 in the afternoon--so we went and scrubbed her hair for 30 minutes. I thought we were good and I could go start working on her room, all while trying to get Kaiden up from his nap, a snack, changed, and keeping him out of trouble. 3 hours of scrubbing stuffed animals and changing sheets, and Lex's hair was still not appearing dry.

The Vapor Rub was still there. After a quick google search I learned I should be using dish soap! This time I put her in the shower and we washed her hair 3 more times with a mix of Dawn Dish Soap and Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash.

It did the trick! So, thank you Dawn for not only taking care of the animals.....but for taking care of the Vapor Rub in my kids hair!

Hopefully we won't have to go through that again for awhile....

Friday, April 6, 2012

A Pie You Say?

Today I got the urge to make pie. Strawberry pie to be exact. But when it comes to baking I can always use the helping hands of little miss Lex. The kid is a whiz in the long as you don't have raw cookie dough. If there is any type of cookie dough involved you will get nothing accomplished!!!

But since today's task did not require cookie dough I knew we were safe. It did how ever require some decisions on her part. I thought since it is so close to Easter and all we should make Easter Pies.

Being the very opinionated child she is quickly shot it down and went and found my bucket o' cookie cutters. (Seriously...I have upwards of 120 cookie cutters). She picked out the ones we were using since these were HER pies and she was being nice enough to help and make some for her brother.

She floured the dough and then cut out all her shapes.

I filled them and pressed them sealed for her since she isn't a big fan of getting "icky"

And then we had our heart and airplane strawberry pies!

Needless to say Kaiden was very happy about his surprise when he got up from his nap.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Final Weeks

Moving is bittersweet for me right now. I'm so ready to be near the coast. I'm ready for a new adventure. I'm ready for green grass that you can run in barefoot.

But this is the place my kids call home. My daughter celebrated her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd birthday here. My son was born here. As much as I can't believe I am saying this, New Mexico will always hold a small piece of my heart.

We have three weeks until the movers are here. I'm so excited and scared all at the same time. I wouldn't change it for the world but for the next 3 weeks you will have to bear with my memories of this place...and the chaos of trying to prepare the house.

As for today's memory and one of the things I will for sure miss...

The beautiful sunsets from my back porch.

Getting Started

Well, I’m going to give this blogging thing a try. I love to write, and I love the internet. The two seem to go hand in hand…right??

Let’s start with me. I’m Amanda! I’m opinionated but love learning new things!

I have two children who are my WORLD. Lex is just about to turn 4 and is always making us laugh! Kaiden is just about to turn 2 and he is our mischievous one. He is always into something.

Then there is the husband. Mr. S *I won’t be using his full name just because*. He is in the U.S. Air Force and that is where my blog title comes from.

Raising B.R.A.T.S…military kids tend to be called brats….so why not put a good spin on it…Born.Raised.And.Trained.

This will be where I come to post all the goofy things my kids say….and life in general. We are about to PCS across the country and this blog will be a place to document all of it. I can’t wait to get started!!