
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Getting Started

Well, I’m going to give this blogging thing a try. I love to write, and I love the internet. The two seem to go hand in hand…right??

Let’s start with me. I’m Amanda! I’m opinionated but love learning new things!

I have two children who are my WORLD. Lex is just about to turn 4 and is always making us laugh! Kaiden is just about to turn 2 and he is our mischievous one. He is always into something.

Then there is the husband. Mr. S *I won’t be using his full name just because*. He is in the U.S. Air Force and that is where my blog title comes from.

Raising B.R.A.T.S…military kids tend to be called brats….so why not put a good spin on it…Born.Raised.And.Trained.

This will be where I come to post all the goofy things my kids say….and life in general. We are about to PCS across the country and this blog will be a place to document all of it. I can’t wait to get started!!

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