
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Vapor Rub and Me Are Not Friends...

Yesterday ended up being a horrible day. Somehow, unknown to me or to Mr. S, Lex got the baby Vick's Vapor Rub into her room and hid it somewhere. During her quiet time she had shut the door.

Mr. S said "She must have been tired, she closed the door and went to sleep."

Now, with Lex closing the door doesn't mean means she is doing something she shouldn't be!

I darted up the stairs and swung open her door to find her soaking wet --or so I thought--I touched her hair and her clothes and they weren't wet. I could not for the life of me figure out why she appeared drenched but was dry as could be. I looked around the room and then I saw it, the empty bottle of Baby Vick's Vapor Rub. She had covered herself from head to toe in this stuff. And she had covered her bed. Oh, and she doctored ALL of her stuffed animals with it too.

I decided it was bath time for her --at 2:30 in the afternoon--so we went and scrubbed her hair for 30 minutes. I thought we were good and I could go start working on her room, all while trying to get Kaiden up from his nap, a snack, changed, and keeping him out of trouble. 3 hours of scrubbing stuffed animals and changing sheets, and Lex's hair was still not appearing dry.

The Vapor Rub was still there. After a quick google search I learned I should be using dish soap! This time I put her in the shower and we washed her hair 3 more times with a mix of Dawn Dish Soap and Johnson and Johnson Baby Wash.

It did the trick! So, thank you Dawn for not only taking care of the animals.....but for taking care of the Vapor Rub in my kids hair!

Hopefully we won't have to go through that again for awhile....

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